Rockwood Nursery School

we love to learn and learn to love

  • Fire Engine
    Fire Engine
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • Owl Visit
    Owl Visit
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • Police Visit 2017
    Police Visit 2017
  • Cooper's Critters
    Cooper's Critters
  • Police Visit 2017
    Police Visit 2017
  • Fire Engine
    Fire Engine
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • Police Visit 2017
    Police Visit 2017
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • Eclipse
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • Maypole Dancing
    Maypole Dancing
  • Police Visit 2017
    Police Visit 2017
  • Owl Visit
    Owl Visit
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary

The October Newsletter is now out.  You should have received an email with it. If you have not, please check the office have your current email address. It is also attached in the 'Newsletter' files on this website.

Welcome back to all our families and children and welcome to our new families!  We look forward to having lots of fun and learning over the next year with you.

Dates to be aware of:

All events are put onto our google diary. If you have a smart phone, you can get them to link to your own calendar, otherwise, keep an eye on the calendar here.

18th September we are raising money for Jeans for Genes.  Please send your child in jeans and donate a £1 for their research

Primary school applications are open until 15th January 2020. If your child will be moving to a primary school next September, please ensure you complete the online application forms by then.


Welcome back to all our children and families, and welcome to all our new starters and their families!

We have lots planned for this term.  You might have noticed that we've had some change arounds in the main building over the holiday (well done the teachers!) to provide some different activities and an area where we can help our younger children learn and explore. 


We have lots of things planned for this term, please have a look at the diary on this website.  As it is a Google diary, you can share it to your phone so you can see each week if there is something special going on.  Below are some extra things we have planned:

13th - 23rd May - Duckling Egg Hatching - we are looking forward to this!

15th May - Sponsored Wall Build - small brick towers, but influenced by our recent boundary wall issue!  Please get as many sponsorships as you can so that we can get some outdoor equipment repaired/replaced in the garden. Forms will be coming out to you over the next week.

Plans - we are planning a party day in Autumn Term to celebrate our 70th birthday as a Maintained Nursery School.  We are looking for volunteers to help us plan and organise the event.  If you are willing to be involved, please mention this to Faith.

School Leavers' Reports

Reports are due out at the end of this week.  They will include a reply slip for you to return to the office as soon as you can so we can send the copies on to your child's primary school.  If you have any questions about the report, you are welcome to book in for a teacher meeting on Wednesday 10th July from 3:30 - 5:30 pm.  Book at the office.

Farm Trip

All school leavers have received a form and letter about the school trip. We do need it back asap, the money can follow.  This will allow us to confirm numbers for the farm and buses.

Teddy Bears' Picnic

Children who remain in school on the trip days will have lots of fun and a picnic to celebrate the end of year.

Early Finish - Friday 19th July

AM children will finish at 10:30 am

PM and full day children will finish at 2:15 pm. 




There's a lot in the news about nursery school funding, including the APPG and NAHT march in London on Monday here:…. There is also an interview with Sacha, one of the other Lancashire Maintained Nursery School headteachers on the Victoria Derbyshire programme about the impact our reduced funding is having.

It appears that there are a lot of rumours flying around about some Burnley nursery schools closing, this is not true. We are on limited funding, we do need to be funded properly. At Rockwood are relying more and more on the donations you provide on Wednesdays to hep us provide resources, but we are managing to creatively make do.

There are some nursery schools in the country that have closed, as have some private nurseries, including the local Little Acorns at the Chai Centre. As a school, we are raising the issue of funding with the national and local government to ensure they provide appropriately for us in the future. We are working very closely with the other nursery schools across the country and with our Burnley MP, Julie Cooper who has been particularly supportive.

If you wish to know more, there is information on this website and parents' board, or ask Faith for further information.

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